The pourpose of this page it to establish who would be working in the Sex Realm translation for each language.
If you would like to translate the game from english to your own language, please send me an email to my hotmail account (you can have it clicking in my profile) with the subject "Sex Realm translation to XXXXX", where XXXX is your language.
Click on the version below to get an example of the translation format. You can use the example file to translate the game once I confirm you are assigned to the translation.
Translators for the v.0.4 (This is just an example. Don't use it. Ask me for the lastest version of the languages file):
ES (Spanish) -> Lycor
RU (Russian) -> MosKit
FR (French) -> James O'Brian
PT-BR (Brazilian) -> Brazilian Guy
PT-PT (Portuguese) -> Rui
CZ (Czech) -> CĂșthalion
HU (Hungarian) -> Reculitan
IT (Italian) -> Pinolo
GE (German) -> Flaminbarny
TR (Turkish) -> Emerciu
NL (Dutch) -> Canadian
PL (Polish) -> Ayeka
GR (Greek) -> Skoros
RO (Romanian) -> Anubis