Monday, May 20, 2019

Sweat added !

I've just added the new sweat mechanic for the next update.

How does sweat work in the game?

First, you increase your sweat in this way:
- Each walking cycle adds 1 sweat point.
- Each attack or spell adds 3 sweat point.
- Each sex action adds 1 sweat point.

From 0 to 200 sweat points -> Range 0 (no sweat).
Over 200 sweat points, each 50 sweat points increases one point the range. For example, with 320 sweat points, Beth is in the 3rd range.
Maximum sweat range is 10.

How sweat affect mechanics.
- For humanoids, each range works at 1 point penalty to Beth's seduction.
- For monsters and dirty humanoids, each range works at 1 point bonus to Beth's seduction.
- Animals and some other monsters can track Beth by her scent. So, they can find Beth at higher distance when she's sweat. At maximum range, they can detect Beth at double distance than when she's clean.

Also, she can use water to clean.