Thursday, April 25, 2013

Back to work

Well, it's about time to answer all those questions...
1- I'm still alive and back to work in SR.
2- I've created a new trader, and Beth should be able to "negotiate prices" with him (if she has enough, sluttyness and seduction, hehehe).

Any suggestions?


  1. Holy crap. It's great to hear from you! I just randomly decided on checking if there was any update, and lo and behold there was!
    Dude's lower body is uber long. Just saying. lol

  2. Glad to hear from you! I hope you continue to work on your kickass project!
    The trader looks apropiate, haha. Maybe the legs are too long? For a pig, I mean, hahaha.

  3. Wow, I'm gald you're still working on it : )
    I still hope you can improve the saving system, though :/

    1. I'll add more diary pages, but by now, I like the current saving system.

  4. Nice, can you make some slutness uping monsters (other than slime.)?

    1. I'll surelly add items that, when being used, temporary increase sluttyness (for instance, erotic novels)

  5. YAAA your back. Hope you have a good time.

  6. I am so glad your are back. Your Sex Realm game is by far my favorite game even with it not being complete. I look forward to seeing more of it. Also is there a way to make the boss wolf not disappear after having sex with it like with the slime.

    1. Those bossed are planned as unique events. But I'll add more regular slimes and wolves, able to have sex with.

    2. Sex with regular slimes and wolves? I do not know. Would not make that all this just a regular adult game? I think they should steal or remove some clothing and drop that on the ground. Afterwards, you have to get it back.

  7. So glad to see you hard at work again! :)

    I like the pig-monster (pero si, las piernas son muy largas)!

    Don't forget, though, that some of us don't want to have lots of sluttiness! We like her to try to fight off the monsters!

    1. I have to fix his legs. :p
      And don't worry, I've planned to add some rapist monsters.

  8. I'm glad your life is in a good place now; that's always good. I look forward to seeing your work develop. Fun is fun, no?
    Let's all enjoy ourselves :)

  9. yahooooo!! H Nyarly found a new MUSE.

  10. Project alive! Cool! :)

  11. I would like to see the human characters - the people

    1. The next character I've planned is human. I hope you see him soon.

  12. Can t wait for the new releases ! ;-P

  13. The trader could use some chest hair, I think. You know, make him look more unkempt.

    1. I prefer to use chest hair for human characters... but I could change my mind.

  14. HI HNya
    It is a joy to have news from you again. Was about time to start a new post. As you can see, us the faithful followers, reach 22 coments in just 5 days.

    Welcome back.

    1. My faithful followers is my first reason to keep the project. The second one is because I love it, hehehe.

  15. Wow, Welcome back! Really glad to see you posting again. =D

    As for the pig man, here's tons of nit-picking from a guy who can't draw. WooHoo!
    -As others have said, his legs are too long relative to the rest of him. He also appears to have 2 left feet.
    -The snout looks like it's coming straight at us. Might want to try adding a bit of perspective or angle to the bottom of it.
    -He doesn't have a neck. (Possibly intentional?)
    -His front shoulder looks like it is too far forward. Could also be intentional, as it makes him look like he's hunched over.
    -I don't like vest. Because it's small & pushed back by his belly, it ends up looking painted on. I'd suggest making it longer, so that it has to flop around the sides of his gutt. Possibly consider making it look like a fur or something, to give it some depth as well?

    1. Hi DirtyC101! I'm following your project!

      About your comments, as you said, more of them are intentional, like the no neck and the hunched look. But I'm not happy with the long legs and I must fix it. About the 2 left feets, as you pointed seems a bit weird.

      And I may change the vest. I tried a look like Mr Popo, but I definitelly should make it bigger.

      Thanks fotr the tips!

    2. I hope that you do not mind, but what about this?

  16. Yes. It is alive!!! I would love to see more of this game. I hope you do not mind, but I do have discovered some minor errors, while playing the latest version:

    1) When you go over to the 'Items of sale' of the Elven trader and see the description of various items, they will give some text under Equipped that should not be there.

    A: Red Potion: Opens Setup.
    B: Blue Potion: Empty pages for my diary.
    C: Purple Potion: Coins.
    D: Braces: Sorry pretty girl….
    E: Empty pages: Seems to fit to be eaten.
    F: White provocative shirt: I went to my house…

    2) Sometimes, the controls are stuck and Beth is moving while you really do not want to do that anymore.

    3) I am not sure if I see it correctly, but one of Beth’s feet drags a bit. As if she is has some trouble with walking with that leg.

    Love the game and I really want to see more.

    1. Thanks a lot for the report!
      1) This problem is due to the fact that the trader menu description show the right ones, but your inventory displays the description of the item in he same position. I must fix it.

      2) No idea why it happens.

      3) I must check it.

  17. Very much pleases that work was resumed :)
    Bug report:
    1) I will agree with Arthgon; Beth at blow too strongly lifts up a feet, it looks strange.
    2) The problem with descriptions of subjects which was mentioned by Arthgon really exists.
    3) Sex scenes (Handjob/Blowjob) malfunction; hornybar is filled VERY slowly even if I knock on a key with a jackhammer speed (by the way and; the idea that it is necessary to knock continuously on a key, looks strange); thus the corresponding skills receive at once a maximum level, but speed remains extremely low. It occurs only if I begin new game for the character with the low sluttyness level, in the old preservations which have remained from early versions of game everything works normally.
    There are some ideas on game (probably, something will seem interesting):
    1) Classes of characters already repeatedly suggested by me (I didn't receive the answer so to understand how this idea treated, I can't); at present the choice at the beginning of game influences only in what Beth clothes begins game, but the player almost sells it at once to the elf. Concrete ideas once again while I won't write, I will wait, whether you agree with this idea in principle (and whether you will answer me in general... ) .
    2) Dialogues with different versions of the answer, with various consequences for the player.
    3) Gradually stock updating at sellers; or in a random way, or slow restoration of the sold goods, or exposure to sale of the goods bought from the player.
    4) Gradual restoration of mushrooms; in exchange, to complicate a task with search of mushrooms for the magician, or replacement of the mushrooms necessary to it by others.
    I will understand if you refuse; I only try to make game even more interesting.
    As always, MosKit
    (I hope to understand about what I spoke, it is still possible)

    1. Interesting ideas. :)

      About the sex scenes, they depend of the sex skills. The higher you have them, the easier to fill the bar. So, at low sex skill level, they are supposed to be hard to fill.

      The idea of different dialogs is good, but I must consider if it deserves the time I'd have to invest developing it.

      About the mushrooms, they are restored when you load a saved game.

  18. dunno if its intentional or not but right now if you save/load all items not counting chests will re-spawn (haven't rechecked for mages key though) it was also in previous version but forgot to comment on it the highest slutiness i can get is about 60 not counting elf girl rescue and that's temp well really its 63 but it quickly goes to 62 and if i run to the slime boss its about 60-61 though i did manage to get beth to cum twice ^_^ hope to see new chars soon

    1. It's intentional. I can't save the information of the whole world.

    2. I'm fine with it because other wise there would be nothing to sell.

  19. also a response to the people who say the bar fills really slow for hand job/blowjob as you raise the skill the bar fills quicker at least for me unless your running a different version also try going a little slower i find it difficult to not make him cum unless i literally stop hitting the key even if i do it once every 2-3 secs

  20. ROFL your going to scare h nyarly away again with all these changes

  21. Do you have any eidear when you place a new update from your game?

    1. Not in a near future. Lot of work to do, and not so much free time.

  22. She is back...BACK....


  23. Your back oh my god its awesome always hoped you'd come back but had my doubts.

  24. It's been like what? A year? and all you've managed is a new shop keeper?

    Well whatever, I just hope you actually put some dedication into it this time around instead of half assing it like before.

    Best of luck to you.

    1. ^^ Our first troll, ladies and gentlemen.

    2. While I agree that the comment of this anon may sound a bit harsh for Hnyarly who is just starting to continue the project since a long time I don't think that it is the anon's intention to troll around.

      Sadly one small update after a long pause doesn't have to mean that Hnyarly will continue the project as frequent as she did in the beginning. We all wish she would but we shouldn't have too high expectations right now.

      I also wish Hnyarly all the best to continue the great project and if there is anything we as a fan community could do to support you, just let us know :-)

    3. I don't consider this comment as trolling. He's just saying his opinion, and I must admit he's somehow right. I haven't work in the game for a long time, and now I'm back doesn't have to mean I'm going to work faster.

      I totally agree with the last anon. He just wrote my thoughts.

  25. You Handsome son of a bitch, you are working on the game again! I am so happy right now!

  26. I just stumbled across your game, and I must say, bravo! Sexy and lots of fun. Looking forward to the next update...hopefully with more quests and more sexy action from Beth. Thanks for your hard work!

  27. Hi, H Nyarly.
    How about pork like dat.

  28. wb h nyarly even if an update doesn't come for awhile it's still nice to hear from you it would be cool if from time to time you popped in and responded to some of the questions on here any way looking forward to more

  29. H NyarlyMay 14, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    He's really nasty.
    I love it!


    If U want, i can assist and draw.
    U say concept (and additional requirements, like graphik format, pikture size, color) - i make pictures use U drowing style.

    sorry fo ma orcish

  30. Good to see you back! ((((NYA))))
    I was getting worried about this joining the litany of unfinished projects that have so much potential. That's one less thing I have to be worried about now!

    Take you time. Personally, I can wait a little longer!

  31. when will the next update of the game realm sex?

    1. I have no idea. Honestly, don't expect an update in a few months.

    2. Fair enough. You have the right priorities.
      We'll just bum around here in the meantime, occasionally hypothesizing.

  32. in one year or two... I think Nyarly posted an update just to calm down her community cause she gathered 200 posts+ in her last topic where everyone was complaining about the fact that she disepeared, But In my opinion she won't ever finish the game, atm she has no time and no motivation to do so, and she is just hesitating between acting like she will keep working on it, or quit it. Maybe I am wrong, but I already saw a bunch of projects like this being quited by their creators.

    1. You and I both, Gonglion. The job involves sitting at a computer for hours on end and that would sap anyone's motivation.
      I hope this won't become another Legend of Krystal.

    2. Well, updates need time, and I'm not having so much of it since I have a job. But if at some point I feel myself unable to finish the game, I'll release the source code, in order to allow the community to finish it.

  33. Would it be possible for some enemies to drop loot or items.

  34. something that some people would probably like but isn't needed is some kind of progress bar/list of thing you want/need to do before the next update so lets say you still need to program shop keep up there thats on the list of what you still need to do before the next update and when ever you finish something you can either remove it or add complete next to it. either way looking forward to hearing more from ya

    1. I actually like that idea, like that we know how the game is going.

  35. Glad to see you back after so long... Might wanna re-bump some forums and get your game recirculating, glad to see you're back. One of my favorite games, happy to see it hasn't died

  36. I think a pig-man trader would be cool. I just want to see more sex scenes and more of the awesomeness you give!

  37. Hello dead Hnyarly,

    Now it's again two months with no trace of progress and as someone who followed your very talented project since two years there is something I want to tell you.

    I can completely understand your lack of time and motivation.
    I also can understand that you still may hope to finish the project one day and dont want to tell us that the project is cancelled a second time.
    I also highly appreciate that you don't make any false illusions about the progress.

    But still, it is always very disappointing for as if you first say that you want to continue and then everything stops again after few posts.

    Because this is not the first time this happens, I really think that the time has come to share the course code with us before the last interest to your very talented project is completely gone.

    1. I don't think you fully understand just how draining it is.
      As a fellow game scripter who also has other RL commitments, I can actually sympathise with Nya.
      It has been asked time and time again to share the source code, and Nya has said that if she gives up on SR, the source will be shared. It's like these people are asking for it to be an abandoned project. It won't be SR if Nya gives the source code, plain and simple. It'll be a modded version with what the new developer wants in it. Face it. I've been following this for more than a year and it does get a little bit frustrating, but it's a project that costs nothing but free time. And right now free time is not sitting at a computer.

      I wouldn't have said all this in such a tone, but the opening three words just reek of disrespect.

    2. What an irony how much one litte error in one word can change the whole meaning of a post. :-/
      I planned to write "Hello dear Hnyarly" - no idea how I managed to srew this up...

      However I am a (hobby) game developper myself and I really do respect HNyarly and also respect her lack of time (as written in my post above).

      The only thing that I had pointed out was the fact that for loyal followers like you and me it is also very frustrating to get disappointed after getting the hope that finally something might continue.
      I really don't think that sharing code will stop the author from continuing his original version of SR but even here I respect that other people may see things differently...

    3. If you truly ARE a "loyal follower" you would know that Nya originally stopped temporarily to look for a job to support HERSELF (the developer is not a guy) and after a long period of time, finally got one which involved computers.

      Now, have a job which has you sit at a computer all day and the last thing you want to spend your free time on is at a computer... But, that doesn't mean that she stopped entirely. She still tinkered with the code from time to time, and when she decided she would stop for a while, she said so.

      Now, come the 'latest' post, whilst she said that she is working on it again, those who have been following her since the beginning (or close to the beginning) would expect the pace to still be slow. Unlike pre-post, however, where she didn't even have her mind on SR, she is working on it bit by bit.

      Do some research before you open your keyboard, Anon-who-made-the-first-comment.

    4. Talk about research... (I'm the above Anon still)

      May 27, 2013 at 9:02 PM
      when will the next update of the game realm sex?

      H Nyarly
      May 30, 2013 at 5:18 PM
      I have no idea. Honestly, don't expect an update in a few months.

    5. you know he/she did put her in his sentence which means he knows shes a woman so pointing it out is pointless there... and the r is right above d so its not to big of a mistake but one nevertheless.

    6. put his but meant their in case of a woman ^ and he/she again later in the sentence just habit to refer to people as male online I guess

    7. I reread the post and the anon I responded to had said both her and his.

      "I really do respect HNyarly and also respect HER lack of time"

      "sharing code will stop the author from continuing HIS original version of SR"

      I missed the first sentence where he says 'her' and saw the part when he said 'him'.

      Also, my post was not about the mistake that's meant to be 'dear', I posted because OP claims he's a 'loyal follower' despite knowing hardly anything about SR's status or Nya's.

  38. Hi Hnyarly,

    While I'm like everyone else in that I'd like to see an update sooner than later, I understand work and other priorities take precedence. I'm sure you'll deliver a great game when it's all said and done; what you've released so far is awesome. That being said, in addition to what others have suggested, I have a few thoughts on possibilities for future updates:

    1. Breast expansion: done as maybe a potion or spell Beth learns that could affect her boob size, which boosts her seduction

    2. More customization: Being able to customize Beth even more in setup would be cool. Maybe an option for a more voluptuous Beth, more breast size options, and nipple/areola size and color options, that is if the next update will finally allow Beth to reveal them, of course! :) Those options could also affect game play, with different characters attracted or not attracted to those different attributes.

    And one last thing, the shopkeeper looks cool! One thing to remember is that if you decide to make his, uh, "package" correct, a pig has a corkscrew penis. Didn't believe it either til I googled it! Either way, thanks, and keep up the good work.

    1. 1- I'm not interested into make her boobs bigger. I think they are big enough. xD
      2- I'll surely add more customizations, but it's not a priority.
      3- Well, a corkscrew penis is too weird, I think. He'll have a humanoid penis.

  39. My one wish, is that there will be other ways then constantly getting raped by the slime boss to increase sluttyness. Something more readily available, or at least not as difficult to get to. Same with horny, it seems like it's impossible to get them anywhere without the green slime...

    But, disregarding that fact. I'm REALLY happy you're back to work on this! It was one of my first, and still remains one of my favorite H-games.

    1. The next update should allow other ways to increase sluttyness.

  40. well for horny messing around with the elf gets u up to 80. As for sluttyness you have the gnome from dying from rats 3 times and 4 times, the red wolf by the not completed bridge to town who also takes your bottom clothes off. Giving blowjobs to the elf, the slime, and a little bit from the kiss from the elf girl but at that point you cant fight the slime any more also at a certain sluttyness you swallow the elfs cum which gives you a little more.

    1. enough to make Beth topless?

    2. Yep

    3. Is there any limit/rule in the number of times you can loose to the red wolf?
      I couldn't find it again after lost to it once, not even after reloading the saved game.

    4. Anon, wolf isn't respawn; after sex he deleted from game.


    5. The Red Wolf also removes you undergarments when he fucks you. Thus, after the encounter you are walking around without any panties on.

  41. Still the maxium I reach is a sluttyness of 65 though I did everything as you mentioned.
    I chose warcraft, provocative, sex most experience.
    So how did you get it up above 80??

    1. hornyness gets to 80 not sluttyness

  42. so confused how do you guys get it up so high i cant get past 40 what all can you fuck the gnome the slime the wolf and the elf?

    1. 1. Start by selecting intro.
      2. Pick the last check box on option 3 this will give you a start sluttyness of 10.
      3. Run the gnome events.
      4. Give the elf HJs until the skill is capped or at least 4 times.
      5. Give the elf BJs until the skill is capped or at least 4 times.
      6. Loose to the slime boss at least 4 times.
      7. Loose to the wolf.

    2. Okay thanks i always did gnome then slime wolf elf

    3. start with 10

      2.then the gnome events raise you 3 for the first and 2 for the second

      3.get your seduction up to 20 minimum to seduce elf
      seems like giving hand jobs give no bonuses so stick to blowjobs your going to need to come back at some point because at a certain sluttyness you let him cum in your mouth which gives bonuses the bonuses from blowjobs are 3 2 2 1 you should have 23 at this point

      4.get raped by slime 4 times 7 4 4 2 total 40

      5.give elf bjs again he cums in mouth giving you 3 2 2 1 hj still give nothing 48 total

      6.lead red wolf to mountain with elf but leave him by the stairs give elf a bj making your horneyness 80 then let wolf beat you you get raped and cum giving you +6 if you do it normally +1 more from cumming with him it seems 54-55 elf girl and get kissed don't remember the increase here cus i only did it once but even if it was a +5 that would only bring you to 60 with a temp max of 70 if you do gnome or wolf last (100 horny=+10) so in this ver it seems like no topless beth

      Side notes. some times beths bra glitches and you can see one of her breasts. Sex with monsters doesn't give xp to blowjobs or vaginal cus you aren't assisting or learning skills from it. Leading the wolf can be a pain moves even with you if you move left or right but faster if up and down. It doesn't really matter which order you do it in but wolf may not give pleasure on lower lvls of sluttyness and elf requires a 40 sluttyness to cum in your mouth. Lastly Beth moves way to slow even with the rune.

    4. Open savegame file and change respawn time of wolf boss to something reasonable (I think I put 5). Then it will be wolf rape after wolf rape.
      @HNyarly Also savegame file's organization is terrible and I don't understand why do you have to use Spanish, as a programmer I find it unprofessional.

    5. whats the name of the savegame file?

    6. I find it unprofessional too, hahaha. But when I started the game I don't expected other people to be interested in my code... sorry.

  43. These comments are pathetic white knight dribble.

    It's been over a year with absolutely nothing, I can understand that programming is stressful but you haven't even drawn characters or mock ups. No matter how "busy" you are you can easily do this in your spare time.

    I've followed other H-game makers and I've never seen one as slow and lazy as you.

    Just post the source code and admit that you've dropped the game because watching these guys praise every little thing that you do as some impossibly hard challenge that no one else can do because you post such little content is just sad.

    1. I agree in all points except maybe lazyness.
      When being a game developer in your free time it can be very hard to find motivation to continue the game making.

      Nonetheless too much time with absolutely no real progress has passed and this is why I also would approve it if Hnyarly could finally share her source code with us.

    2. Well, if you spend 8 hours working with a computer everyday, you don't feel up to spend any more when you arrive at home.

      And my source-code is a kind of nightmare of spanish and english words... The last one that tried to read it is in Arkham right now, hahaha.

      Anyway, I'm still working a bit on my game.

    3. I know, you had mentioned it before.
      Nonetheless this makes me even more interessted how such a "mysterious" code would look like :-P

  44. what all did you add into the game now?

  45. I have to say this is an amazing game so far, and as a suggestion, enemies should drop something, because is a pain in the ass making some gold, or you could make a character that, with enough sluttyness and seduction Beth could whore with and make some money, maybe based on her skill.

    Another thing, but that's just an idea, maybe, with enough sluttyness Beth could ALLOW other creatures to fuck her or the creatures Beth can fuck could stop attacking her and be able to start the sex scene with the sex interaction button, instead of always getting rape, it would be faster and you keep the HP, also... some futanari wouldn't hurt...just sayin.

    You're doing an amazing work, you should be proud, you have talent, keep up the good work! :)

    1. Good news for you: futanari and drop system are stuff I want to add to the game.

  46. it's been a while since the last update, and i'm worried that this project has been abandoned . . .

    1. Most of everybody posts this at some point. Let me just clarify this:
      Until Nya says this is abandoned, it is not.

    2. "Let me just clarify this:
      Until Nya says this is abandoned, it is not."

      This is one possible viewpoint, but it is also a valid viewpoint to say:
      "It is abandoned until Nya shows some real progress."

      And please don't start complaining again how draining a fulltime job is or that someone knows nothing about Hnyarlys projet only if he dares to say something critical about the lack of updates.

    3. Once again, I'm sorry for not having enough free time to spend with my game. I'd love to, because I love doing it, and sharing my game with you all.

      Anyway, I don't consider my game as abandoned.

  47. Okay, Hentai Nyarlathotep, it's time to let us know what you're up to! Algunos de nosotros no tenemos miedo de code in both English and Spanish, so maybe you should let somebody help a little? You have a lot of people who really like the game and idea, and maybe it's time to decide which you want more: to do this yourself, or to see it completed.
    Don't worry--we still love you. ;)

    1. ^^^
      This. Exactly.

    2. well, there's no information (at least a little), and it's almost 5 months since the last post,

      I assume it's dead

    3. I don't care that there are no updates to the game or to the blog as much as I do that there have been no responses to the comments. Hnyarly was really good about that, but she seems to have tapered off over the last few months, and now... nothing. :(

    4. Well, form time to time, I answer your comments, my loyal followers.

      PS. Maybe your loyalty deserves a reward... I'll think about it. The next update will be annouced in the comments a couple of days before the main page. Just for you, guys.

  48. do you update in the online playable game?

    1. I don't think so. Future updates will be as executable, unless I chage my mind.

  49. Is there any way you could release an updated version?

    1. There is no enough content to release an update.

  50. Damn. I'm going to miss this one. :(

    If you're not dead, Hnyarly, I hope you are doing something awesome, even if it's not Sex Realm.

    1. I'm not making fun of you or anything, but I swear I could hear something break as I read your comment XD

      But I know what you mean, I hope this project continues.

    2. Don't worry, my dear Rex, I'm still here. And you may have a surprise in a few months.

    3. <3 <3 Estoy tan alegre que un monstruo de tentáculos en un convento de monjas. :)

      So glad to hear that you aren't dead! I remain ever-faithful!

    4. And I echo this thought - however long or improbable it is, and additions to this story/game is appreciated greatly

  51. Abandoned or not, at this rate we'll all die of old age (Nya included) before it's anywhere near finished. Seriously, between April 2012 and now the only thing that's actually been shown here is one static image of a new character. Nearly 18 months to produce what I know plenty of flash artists can do in 2 minutes.

    If you want my advice: Cut the crap and share the source code with a co-artist who does have the time to work on this, as you plainly don't (and won't for the foreseeable future), and there are dozens of people willing to help out with this. The art style isn't hard to copy, and all you'd have to do is approve things before they got released. It'd still be 'your' game, but without all these silly promises of updates, which never materialise, and very few people are still holding out hope for.

  52. Anonimious...... dont be so sad man

  53. Very unlikely we will die of old age, unless were already close to kicking the bucket in which case do better things with your bucket list. It is more important to Nya to do this project 100% and not have any help, even that means it takes longer. By adding someone to just do the artwork for the project they deserve credit and it takes away from the self gratification of being all hard work. Nya also being the sole creator didn't have to bring this idea to life or share this with any of us. As for the one static photo, that is all Nya has posted, perhaps the only thing towards the update so far; but we don't know for sure. Even if it was, Nya got a job in Spain in this field of work, obviously not or one photo every 18 months, unfortunately the work just isn't able to be put in sex realm. So why not pass time with other things like getting a job in Spain, or playing other games etc. We all love your work Nya, take your time and make it as perfect as you want.

  54. dont add futanari pleeease I just love lesbian scenes ! maybe the option to turn of the futanari shit please men I really get scared when I see a woman with a dick

  55. Yeah, i hate futanari too, it's lame

    1. Nya wants to add it in. All the Futa detractors can ask for is a switch in the options.

    2. I'm not a futanari detractor, but it doesn't do much for me. It would be nice if there weren't any content that was futa-dependent, though, so I won't have to miss some of the game if I want to avoid dickgirls.

  56. Some months of expectation? Well, it at least any information on that, how many still to wait updating, though "a little" inexact.
    I can't demand to include futanari in game, but whether it will be possible to avoid it? Nevertheless woman with dick a little... frightens.
    Offer. Dirtyc 101 (I think, you remember it) updates the blog of times a month even if besides that it is still live, there is nothing to tell more. It works soothingly, and shows that the blog yet didn't ignore. Perhaps to do to you as?

    I apologize if the text looks nonsense, or it is turned out on a wrong side; I not too well know language, and it is necessary to use the translator (extremely stupid).
    As always, MosKit.

  57. Hay is there a way to mod the slutyness of the game. if there is how do you do it? Please

    1. Without use cheats to lift slutyness higher than ~60 it won't turn out.
      But also with cheats you new won't see anything; in game while there are no new scenes, and the naked breast of Beth glitched. So you while passed nothing.

      MosKit; sorry for bad English.

  58. You've got to work on the snake spawning... I'm assuming it's supposed to stay down near the wizard, but after the first kill... It becomes more like a homing missile. Locks onto you (presumably) from halfway across the map and shows up sometimes in VERY wrong places. (Cave with the bed, cave with slimes)

    1. Also, what the heck does "S and D" do in the intro? It doesn't appear to do anything.

    2. the only thing I noticed it did was it made Beth horny. In the last scene you can see her nipples

  59. One thing I have a question about H Narly is other than drops and with the drops will it include some money sometimes. Otherwise can Beth get jobs like a waitress,smith,hooker or my favourite a maid. The reason I ask its pretty hard to get money, sorry if this has already been asked.

  60. Dear people posting comments to HNyarly,
    Sorry, this project is dead for now. HNyarly isn't going to come back from DisappearLand just to personally answer your comment. He might come back eventually (he's done so before), but for now you might as well wait.

  61. Dude chillax its only been a month

  62. its great to see him working on it again... most people dont last this long on a project without giving up..

  63. "And you may have a surprise in a few months.
    ;)" Can't wait! :)

  64. For those who are nagging about the time that SHE (it is a SHE NOT HE) is taking to get the latest version done. It is really hard to combine work AND working on a computer to program this marvelous game.

    Do you even know how much time it takes to make graphics/sprites, codes, movements, story/plot and all? A lot. This sort of thing is not done before it is actually done and without any faults and bugs. IF you know what I mean.

    Have a little patience and keep your head cool.

    1. She not a he?!
      You don't know what you're talking about. You have no more info than anyone else. Plus, you sound like a jerk.
      Quit white knighting - you're doing it wrong and no one cares about this anymore.

    2. I have not said that I have more info about this project than anyone else. What do you mean with "you do not know what you're talking about"?

      IF you are talking about making such projects. I for one have already tried to combine such big projects with my actual work. Alas, it completely did not work that good at all. There are just too many things and too little time that you have to do to get it all done without any bugs, wrong codes et al.

      If I came of as a jerk, sorry about that. I actually meant well.

      Edit: I am doing the white knighting thing wrong?

    3. Sorry, what I should have said is your idiocy is blatant.
      You don't know anything about HNyarly's sex. Why do you insist in your initial post that HNyarly's female? You have no clue about that.
      I'll expand on that - you honestly have no clue in general.
      And you don't mean well, you're just another troll trying to draw attention to yourself.
      You have nothing to contribute to this board. Go find attention in another direction.
      The end.

    4. No clue about general? Wow. Great assumption, Sherlock. I also tried to make such project and failed due lack of time and too many codes and graphics.

      If you actually had read all the articles then you may noticed that many people already talked about her gender. If it is actually is true is not known. If I am wrong about the gender, then I am sorry.

      Troll? Says the person who blandly attacks others who tried to do good...on a more snarky way. (Sorry)

      Nothing to contribute? Yes. I have. Go and read my other posts. I HELPED him/her with by pointing out bugs et al.

      Attention to myself? No. I am just getting tired of people who thinks it is very easy to make a big project and then go and whining if it take too long. I have seen it too many times that people just drop a project due lack of time and whining know-it-alls.

    5. Where is the edit button when you need it the most?

      I think it is better to drop all this before it erupts in all consuming flame war and I do not think it do any good to the atmosphere and the project is not going to make this project any faster than it now is going. Let us focus on that. If you know what I mean.

  65. For those who are nagging about the time that SHE (it is a SHE NOT HE) is taking to get the latest version done. It is really hard to combine work AND working on a computer to program this marvelous game.

    Do you even know how much time it takes to make graphics/sprites, codes, movements, story/plot and all? A lot. This sort of thing is not done before it is actually done and without any faults and bugs. IF you know what I mean.

    Have a little patience and keep your head cool.

    Edit: IF this a double post, please delete it. (something went wrong again)

  66. Arthgon - if you seriously believe all the BS you typed, then I'll leave you be. You're too entrenched in your own perspective to appreciate how you come off to others. And I might be snarky, but you come off as arrogantly pompous and self-entitled. At least you do to me, and that's the person you're dealing with right now. I don't like smart people who live too close to their emotions and imaginations to see how they come off to others.
    If you want to contribute POSITIVELY, quit telling other people what sex people are and just sit here quietly waiting with the rest of us retards. Nothing you type will change anything. Just be patient. I'm one of the first posters here, and I've been telling people this from the beginning. And I helped with bugs, too. So calm down, we're on the same side. You just came off a bit high on the horse talking down to a dead board. A real troll would have been a lot less considerate to you than I've been. And I'm sure you've had worse in the past.
    Ok, you rubbed me the wrong way. Virtually all of your arguements have been all about you. Except where you arbitrarily tried to convince us all that HNyarly is female. That was just a mistake.
    For the record, I'm not here to white knight or troll. I just get annoyed by people who do.
    I do honestly apologize for how I've treated you (as an asshole), and I am sorry, but you sorta came off like someone who needed a kick in the pants.
    I call this finished. Let's just keep waiting like we always have. Peace.

    1. Yeah. I also think that we should stop bickering and should focus on more positive things. IF I came off as arrogantly pompous and self-entitle then I am sorry. It was not totally meant that way. Do not worry, I am not to troll here. I just did some white knighting and...completely the wrong way.

      Quit telling what sex people are? I know it is a mistake. It is just... very confusing. One side said it is a she and others replied with the chance that it is a he. I just did not took any chances and thought that this MAY be the right gender of H Narly.

      Finished? I totally agree with that. Peace.

      PS: I am not of porcelain, so you do not have to worry about it.


    3. ALL - Please chill and let the actual artist work. We are the patrons of a museum that is waiting to be populated with works - don't complain about the closed sign in front, just appreciate the posters in front showing what's to come...

    4. anon - that was a beautyful metapher

  67. It would be a beautiful metaphor, however, this artist began to paint a painting and showed it to the masses which gathered an audience. They then told the audience that their would be a whole museum soon, and after months of anticipation, only added a bit on the first painting. They then announced they were done working on the first painting, and would work on another painting. Then they said that they were done with painting altogether before unveiling any of the new painting, apologized and disappeared. A year later they mysteriously appear, with a teaser that something may happen in a few months with the first painting. I, for one, would love to see the artists work finished because it has the potential to be a masterpiece. But since they refuse any offer of assistance, quoting the paint formulas cannot be duplicated in any way, and their own pace seems to stretch at a different scale than others, I'm putting this on the "not any time soon" category. :)

    1. I can see and understand your point there but, and this is not supposed to be any kind of critic on your post only a friendly reminder to all the naggers, none of us ever payed anything els than some of our time on this game, meaning noone here has any right to takl shit about our little artist that thought he/she could spare more time for making the game

    2. Well, that's true--but there were offers of support via donation, as well as plenty of people who offered their own time and skills to help goose things along. Of all the h-games I've seen out there, the vast majority of them are never completed, and those that are finished typically are team efforts. Many hands make light work, and it's a lot easier to make time for your game when you've got friends who rely on you to keep their project going.

    3. Maybe I want to have the whole painting before showing anymore...

    4. As long as you keep poking your head in here and letting us know you're alive, I'll keep checking back to see how things are going. If you need any more paint, let me know! :)

    5. Hnyarly - any approximate estimation when your work will be ready to show? A year? 3 or 4? Any guess?
      I'm glad you still come here.

    6. H Nyarly! You are back. Just wondering if you have seen my version of Hog the Trader? I hope you like it. Maybe some buttons on his vest?

  68. Hey everyone,

    I write Choose Your Own Adventure erotic stories. A typical game will involve a girl trying to escape from a haunted mansion, or exploring an old pyramid etc. Enemy attacks are sexy and if you orgasm you lose.

    They're hosted on 4chan to allow for anonymous voting on what she should do, as well as rolling for strength, dodge and agility tests.

    I've been emailing HNyarly, and they have said I can host a game using Beth and Sex Realm. Given that this is my all-time favourite hentai game and that I have been following production from the early days I'm excited that I can pay homage to it with a story!

    The story will be held on 4Chan, on the /b/ subforum, on Sunday 8th December from 4pm-10pm GMT.

    If you miss it, or you can't stay for the full time I will upload the finished story to my blog where I keep all the old stories. I will also send a finished copy to HNyarly, and if they want they can put it up here for you guys to view.


    Onyxdime xx

    PS Keep up the great work HNyarly!

  69. I was just wondering some things now:

    1) Would it be possible if Beth can obtain different skills for magic (Elemental, white, dark, etc.) and fighting (Charge, Whirlwind attack, etc)?

    2) Swimming? By this she can access different parts of the world that lies behind a river.

    3) Climbing Gear? Reaching the top or moving over the mountains to reach another part.

    4) Actions when in bed? While sleeping, something under her bed steals of her panties?

    5) Animal companions? Through the use of them she may get more protection against danger, pulls levers that needs to be pulled at the same time or for other reasons *wink wink*.

    6) Creating or repairing objects? She can repair weapons/shields/broken items by using a forge. She also can create equipment (Climbing gear, ladders, etc)

    7) Shields?

    1. 1) Difficult to implement, but not impossible. Maybe...
      2) I don't think Beth will need to swim at any point of the game
      3) Same for climbing.
      4) I want to add masturbation in bed.
      5) Animal companion were suggested long time ago... It's a very interesting idea.
      6) Creating or repairing objects would add much more complexity to the game. I could add it if I think it's worth of it.
      7) Shields are esay to implement.


  70. Gah >.< don't give more ideas or its going to take longer for a new release >.<

  71. Didn't arrive as a christmas present... what about new year's present?

  72. H NyarlyDecember 3, 2013 at 6:06 PM
    Maybe I want to have the whole painting before showing anymore...

    I like the sound of getting to see the complete painting but how about a new year gift :D
    Maybe even just an update log if not a new release.

  73. Hnyarly, sorry for my english, wait for new release, please make it faster.

    1. The new release is will be twice as faster now! No need to wait for it. :-P

  74. I've been working in the pig, following the tips from Arthgon, DirtyC101, and one anonimous helper, and this is the current look.

    Anyway, Anon's look seems great, but I prefer to keep the hairy and dirty look for another character.

    1. The current one looks better.

    2. Agreed, current looks best.
      Please remember that when you please one of us, you disappoint another of us. We cannot all be happy. It's best to make things the way you like. I'm pretty sure we'll let you know if tons of us hate it/love it.
      Speaking for myself, I'm really glad you're still working on this. I hope it makes you happy like it makes us happy. That sounded gay.

  75. Little idea.

    So about red wolf (and future rapist boss)... Maybe you could make some kind of cave for him, so Beth could come and say him "friendly hello". Like in-game gallery, something similar like in DirtyC101 game.

  76. stop giving ideas or it will never b finished

    1. Sure it will. Game is too good to be dropped

  77. The waiting, the insufferable waiting.

  78. Offer. Whether it is possible to make display of change of sluttyness as a result of these or those scenes, similar to a loss or recovery of health? So will define more conveniently influence of these or those events on Beth.

    As always, MosKit, guy with bad English.
    P.S. For grammatical mistakes abuse developers of a translation program

  79. cant wait for the next update

  80. yah I've been waiting for this and people seem really interested in your code I myself hope you release it because i'm interested in what others would be able to make with it I myself don't work with coding or anything but you could probably work with a team of a few of the people here that want to help that way even if you're overwhelmed by other things some forms of progress could still be made of course you would still have to give the ok before any updates were released

    1. hnya doesn't seem interested in releasing the code and has put numerous times that even if it was release pretty much no one would understand it due to it being a mess of english and spanish and possibly just a mess overall regardless of the reasons hnya will probably release the code if it is finished or abandoned

  81. Yay :D i thought the game was abandoned

  82. nah prob not abandoned but it seems like very little progress has been made based on the little amounts of updates and posts from hnya unless of course hnya has the entire thing finished and is just laughing at how were begging for more stuff and fighting over if its abandoned or not :P

    1. No I just thot that it was abandoned bc of how no work was done but it turned out that all this time he has a job

  83. I just can't believe that it has almost been a year since this post has been created.. LOL might be time to start a new one maybe ^.^;

    1. nothings gonna happen its dead its abandoned go check up on summat else nothings gonna happen here

    2. I don't know what your talkin bout because he just said hes workin on the pig and the only reason why there aint been an update in awhile is because he has a job

    3. how do you know its a he?

      and this post is 1 year old

    4. I don't know would ya want to call him/her an it nd the post from him or her on January 22

    5. i'd just call her an it and ur correct i dident see that post i am sorry

    6. i really hope there is a new update soon

  84. Seems like Nya's work time is being eaten by her job. I'll stick to call Nya a female until told to do otherwise. However, gainful employment is more important. Still good to have a hobby though ;P

    1. Those last days I've had some free time for SR, so in a few days I'll make a new post with some advances (but not an update)

      Prepare yourself for some surprises....

  85. O.O thought you were dead or something?!?!?!? Revival Woot :v


  87. Out of curiosity, can you go beyond reducing her to underwear at this point? Or would that be found in the next update?
