Monday, February 6, 2012

Necessary mini-update

We were discussing about updates, and thanks to our anonymous hero's report, I finally found the corruption saves bug.
That was the only problem: finding what was causing it. Once I knew it, it was fixed.

This important fix makes necessary a new update. Thanks to it, you now can load your old corrupted files (but I don't recommend you, because new variables have been added to the saves).
Also, some other bugs has been fixed, such as:
- Merchant inventory bug (thanks to the Strike's report).
- Eye of Death bug.
- Wrong date in saved files bug (thanks to all that reported it).
And maybe another bug I don't remember right now.

Anyway, in this new update you finally can find the mage's house and read the story. Other than that, there is no new content.

You can download v0.385 in the download section.


  1. Seriously is "First" really that important to you? How sad is your life?

    I like your game nyarly and look forward to future updates and hope you finish the game. First time i've commented even though i saw your game when it first got posted on newgrounds and have been keeping up with it.

    Btw we need more H-scenes please ;3

    Good luck

    -Crimson S

  2. ‎__/\___________For a min. I thought I was bored to Death __________/\__
    yeah saved from the brink of doomy doom doom by new update time to run check out the mages place. :)

  3. is the key to the mages house in the game yet?

  4. Were i can found the key?

    1. The mage said that lost the key going home. So it must be in some part of the way from the stones to the house.

      Just use Murphy's law to figure the worst place to lose a key in that way.

    2. May I suggest small change with the key? Something like Beth saying "Oh, I think I found it!" when she actually does. Now it's bit hard to notice and I had to check inventory to be sure ;)

    3. You can also trust in then sound it makes when you pick something.

  5. Is there any way you can release this as a .swf? I'm on a Mac an it aboslutely refuses to run the .app. The bar at the bottom moves like the icon'll show up, but then it just moves back. I don't know whats wrong, but I haven't been able to play since you moved to the .app. :( Any help would be appreciated

    1. The fact is that there are no so much Mac users to help you. And I'm not a Mac user. I just compile for Mac and Linux, hoping they work fine.

    2. just buy a pc they're better anyways

  6. i got the key,
    but i can't use it to unlock the door,
    what can i do, is it a bug???

    1. but where is the mage......

    2. Mmmmmm, you've surely used and old saved game. In the previous version, when you open the metal chest, the mage is removed. But in the new update, the mage is moved to the house.
      So, if you saved in the previous version after opening the metal chest, the mage is still removed, even if you load the saved game in the current version.

      In other words: use a saved game before opening the metal chest, or start a new one.

  7. What is the eye of death supposed to do?

    1. Oh, it just hurts you? Or will it do something in the future?

  8. I can't find the house, where is it?

  9. unless it was changed the eye of death takes half your health when equipped but shows you the enemies hp. The damage from equipping the eye can be healed by sleep or items though

    1. Basically, that's the right description of the item.

  10. Do you know the address for the value related to slutiness? and can you please tell us so we can mess around with cheat engine?

    Oh and I'm lovin the mini release:)

    1. I haven't ever used Cheat Engine. But CE users will tell you that Sluttyness is almost uncheatable.

    2. uncheatable yes because ther is no mane value for Sluttyness,if we remember its determend by a table that H Nyarly mesond in December the Cheat Engine cant find or modafi the table.

      ps sorry for my spilling.

  11. Are there any other naughty scenes besides the elf merchant?

    1. 2 With gnome, 1 with slime boss and 1 with elf girl.

  12. When are you going to add any real H events?
    All it's been for months is trees and bugfixes, I'm a very patient person but you are getting nowhere fast.

    1. I've planned to add at least 2 more H-events.

    2. Maybe you'd be more patient if you remembered that it's not a job, it's a hobby.

    3. i agree with anon #2

      Nyarly most likely has a life outside of making this game...

      i.e. job, school etc so I think that the progress of the game so far has come along nicely considering that it is free time that is being spent to make this wonderful game.

      Keep up the good work Nyarly and thanks!

  13. Is it currently possible to get Beth's Sluttyness so high that she takes off all her clothing, including her bra and panties? I got her to Lv. 10, and her Sluttyness as high as 60 at one point. But to level-grind any higher would take a veeeerrrrrrry long time x__x

    1. Not all her clothing. The most you can get is bra and panties only (for the momment).

    2. Id like to see her without bra under her white provocative shirt. That bra strap is not beautiful.
      I will have to wait some upgrades ultil see her this way.


    3. There is a non-laces black bra.

    4. Not yet the black bra is available. May the next version ? Anyway, black bra under that white shirt does not seems good. Better go braless, right ?

      By the way, this shirt would be excelent if Beth, for any reason, face a necessity of swim or if rains... she would become even more hotter (seduction +5 at least !!! )
      This is just an idea. As always, fell free to use it.

    5. Interesting, but it will suppose a lot of work. So I discard it... for the momment.

  14. the mage house?

    and the sister home? (just joking)^^

    1. You'll surely find a couple of funny things in the house.

    2. I'm still waiting that you discover it.

    3. I found another Diary Page, but nothing else, and I clicked everywhere :O

    4. I finally went back there to look. Note the covers on the two books facing up (the one on the dresser & the one on the bottom shelf of bookcase). I didn't quite make out the cover on the one in the bookcase, but the other one . . . nice nod to a certain forum/set of hentai games. :) Didn't quite make out what the image under the title is supposed to be. . .

      On another note, could you add a button in the main menu to clear saves? That way us loyal followers don't have to keep clearing our flash data after each update release we download. :)

    5. Excellent! Those are the books:

      Both cover images should be pretty familiar for LoK visitors. xD

      And about the clear saves button, I could do it. But there is another way to do it: just deleting cookies with your web browser. That could work too. Otherwise, I'll do the clear button (it's pretty easy to implement).

    6. I don't want to clear ALL of my cookies, so I've already been trying to hunt down which individual cookies(s) to delete through my web browser. Not easy to figure out when it's not through the browser, so it's not obvious which url it's attached to. The button would get around that issue, and I figured that would be very easy to implement.

      And if this is the most complicated feature request you ever get, count yourself extremely lucky! :P

  15. I dont find the way for the H-Event with that elfguy...wahaaaa!!!

    1. Tip: he said that he don't find her sexy enough...

  16. I have a simple question , There is any newH-event on 385 version ?
    And about the quest of the Old woman , ( mage) ,she is asking for the CUBE , i guess , so there is anyh cube on this version ?
    thank uoi H Nyarly. I really liked of your game.

    1. No new H-events. V0.385 is basicaly a bug fixed of the v0.383.

      About the cube, the mage said that you should look for information in the town, that's not done yet.

  17. Hey Just a heads up if you walk around looking for the key for the mage (which I didn't find before this happened) There is a glitch with the house. If you walk around back and hit the interact button near the bed you will blip into the cabin and not be able to get back out.

  18. Not gonna lie, I've been waiting for an update to work on the guide.

  19. The conversation with the mage in his/her house is missing one little detail: motivation. The mage currently hint's what the game Beth has been sucked into is about (mentioned pieces of hentai games), but I think it needs to be spelled out. For instance:

    Beth - "If this is a digital world made from pieces of games, games have goals and rules. What are they here?"
    Mage - "I said from hentai games. Sex is what it's all about. That will be the only way you will get anything from anybody."

    A conversation along these lines would give our character the motivation to try to have sex with just about anything that moves.

    Just a suggestion, of course. I'm loving what you're doing with the game so far! Keep up the good work!

    1. For the momment, Beth is more concerned about how to escape from this world than about its nature.
      I also didn't want to add more dialogue to the conversation with the mage. It's already long enough. xD

      But along the story she'll start to realize. I mean, she'll wonder questions as "if I am in a video game, why enemies can rape me?" or "I can have sex with people. That wouldn't happen in a PG18 game..."

  20. So where are the keys at? The worse possible spot I could figure would be if an animal ate them. That would suck. Other than that I have no clue. Also where is the elf chick at? Is she even at home?

    1. Fortunately, no animal has eaten the key. xD

      The elf chick is in the town where the mage said you should go to find information. But the bridge is not build yet...

    2. Still trying to find it. Is it in the bushes near his house? Or maybe I need to download a newer version maybe there is a bug.

  21. Well not really,you could delete Beth's clothes in the save file..

    1. That won't work, thanks to the saved files CRC check.

  22. Glad there's a new update to the storyline. keep up the good work H Nyarly!

  23. Why did you disable the way to get her horny to 99% by aborting the sexual interaction with the elf?

  24. still love ur game.. also the way u use details. i like it a lot..
    i honestly hope that u finish it in a smal periode of time i can't wait.. :D:D keep the work prio one :P

  25. by"SS"

    This is the first game i have the hope to see a great game.
    I am sure you H Nyarly ,will try to finish this game.

  26. I`m trapped in the mage`s house and can`t get out O.o

    1. I was by the window, and push the interact button.. she got into bed and I cant get out of the house now :(

    2. I was sure that bug was fixed... I'll go back to it.

    3. I've been trying to trigger the bug, but it wasn't possible in v0.385. But, just to make sure, I've moved the bed.

  27. I can't find the mages house. It was near where the rat boss was, in that clearing by the chest? I can't find anything different. What am I missing?

  28. You need to complete the mage's chain of quests to open a passage near the rat boss zone.

    Make sure you are not using saved files from previous versions.
