Saturday, September 27, 2014

And more plants

I'm working in a new enemy. ;-)

Also, I'm still looking for translators, mainly to asian languages (Thai, Korean, Japanese, Chinese... etc). Translators to other languages are also welcome. If you are interested into translating SR to any language, please read this.

PS. Next update will have German and Italian translation too, thanks to Pinolo and Flaminbarny
PS. Plant enemy finished. Progressing to 40%

Saturday, September 13, 2014

More bosses

That's a new boss for the game. It's going to be a raper enemy. Any opinions or critics about the look? Is it scary enough?

I'm also working in a couple or more regular enemies. Once finished, I'll put images of them. And after critics and improvement, I'l start animating all them.

PS. Has anyone seen the first Evil dead movie? hehehe

----- UPDATE -----

I've done some changes in hands and face. Opinions?

PS. (09/24) The ent enemy is done and able to fight. The only thing I have to do is its special H-"action", hehehe. I hope it will be totally finished for the end of weekend.